Eddie Murphy: Delirious

Eddie Murphy: Delirious (1983-10-15)

  • 15/10/1983
  • Genre 1, Genre 2
  • Durée : 1H09


One-man show d'Eddy Murphy filmé pour la télévision

Note : 7.649/10

Les acteurs


Steven Banks: Home Entertainment Center
Andy Parsons: Slacktivist
Henry Phillips: Neither Here Nor There
Dave Lester: And How Did That Make You Feel?
François Morency: Furieusement Calme
Barry Brewer: Chicago, I'm Home
Dov Davidoff: Filthy Operation
Joe La Crasse
Emily Heller: Ice Thickeners
Jim Gaffigan: Obsessed
Tim Vine: Tim Timinee Tim Timinee Tim Tim to You
Alan Davies: Little Victories
James Acaster: Cold Lasagne Hate Myself 1999
Martin Nørgaard: Sådan er det bare
Chris Rock: Bring the Pain
Dirty Love