He Stands in a Desert Counting the Seconds of His Life

He Stands in a Desert Counting the Seconds of His Life (1986-02-22)

  • 22/02/1986
  • Genre 1, Genre 2
  • Durée : 2H29


Note : 8.2/10

Les acteurs


And in shallow waters, then i learned not to swim but to lie
La deuxième femme
Video Album 5: The Thursday People
In the Land of Giants and Pygmies
Fale Comigo Verão: O diário de um cineasta amador
Cœur de tigre
Birth of a Nation
Begins (โผบิน)
Urute vv
Voicemails For The Unknown Receiver
In the Bathtub of the World
As Janelas Me Diziam Que Os Carros Cor De Lembrança Ainda Percorriam as Movimentadas Ruas do Esquecimento
beer cans under my bed
this evening out of boredom washed my hands three times in succession in the bathroom
It's so fucking empty
Lost, Lost, Lost

Où regarder


  • DocAlliance FilmsDocAlliance Films