JFK: The Final Hours

JFK: The Final Hours (2013-11-08)

  • 08/11/2013
  • Genre 1, Genre 2
  • Durée : 2H00


Note : 8.7/10

Les acteurs


The Kennedy Curse
American Expose: Who Murdered JFK?
The Kennedy Curse: An Unauthorized Story on the Kennedys
The Day Kennedy Died
ETs Among Us 7: UFOs, CIA & the Assassination of JFK
Les Kennedy : une fratrie américaine
Confessions From the Grassy Knoll: The Shocking Truth
Truth is the Only Client: The Official Investigation of the Murder of John F. Kennedy
The Kennedy Detail
The Secret KGB JFK Assassination Files
11 Settembre - La nuova Pearl Harbor
Down in Dallas Town
L'altra Dalla - Chi ha ucciso RFK?
JFK: What The Doctors Saw
JFK : l'enquête
Il n'y a pas de Kennedy heureux