Stacey on the Front Line: Girls, Guns and Isis

Stacey on the Front Line: Girls, Guns and Isis (2017-01-17)

  • 17/01/2017
  • Genre 1, Genre 2
  • Durée : 0H45


Note : 8/10

Les acteurs


La Déchirure
A Pandemic: Away from the Motherland
The Bystander Moment: Transforming Rape Culture at its Roots
WMD: Weapons of Mass Deception
Harrison's Flowers
L'Honneur d'un marine
Requiem pour un massacre
Last Days of Solitary
Lakota Nation vs. United States
Canine Soldiers: The Militarization of Love
En direct de Bagdad
Generations of Service: The LaShaunda Jackson Story
Our War
Standard Operating Procedure
Asie Centrale, l'appel de Daesh
Das radikal Böse
La Namibie : histoire d′une colonie allemande