The Children Who Cheated the Nazis

The Children Who Cheated the Nazis (2000-09-28)

  • 28/09/2000
  • Genre 1, Genre 2
  • Durée : 0H00


Note : 5/10

Les acteurs


Borrowed from Nature
New Builders
Days of Waiting: The Life & Art of Estelle Ishigo
Voices of the Battle of Britain
The Silent Village
Oorlog in Westerbork
Eva Braun, dans l'intimité d'Hitler
De Uønskede
Pétain, un héros si populaire
Omaha Beach: Honor and Sacrifice
The World's Biggest Bomb Revealed
John Ford : l'homme qui inventa l'Amérique
Den Norske Motstand
Witkacego wywoływanie duchów
Pearl Harbor: Waking The Sleeping Giant
The Blitzed Cities of Bristol and Bath
Kainuu 39
People of Russia
Barbarossa: Hitler Turns East