Combat in the Air - Air War Over Korea

Combat in the Air - Air War Over Korea (1997-04-01)

  • 01/04/1997
  • Genre 1, Genre 2
  • Durée : 0H00


Note : 0/10

Les acteurs


Rafale : Les Secrets de l'avion star de l'armée
The Longest Month
Frank Maselskis: From WWII POW to Chosin Reservoir Survivor
Rudy Hernandez: Congressional Medal of Honor
John Stevens: Storming the Beach
Rafale Confidential
Concorde's Last Flight
Alene Duerk: First Woman to Make Admiral
Homes Apart: Korea
The Air Force Story
Corée, une guerre sans fin
SR-71 Blackbird: The Secret Vigil
The A350: Star of the Skies
The Battle Of Chosin
레드 툼
The Ghosts of Jeju