Círculo de Tiza

Círculo de Tiza (2020-08-21)

  • 21/08/2020
  • Genre 1, Genre 2
  • Durée : 1H15


Note : 10/10

Les acteurs


Cortázar y Antín: cartas iluminadas
Passing Strange
Making the Boys
Hamilton: One Shot to Broadway
Tricicle: un último gesto
Q.R.R. Quien Resulte Responsable
Shakespeare Behind Bars
Truman & Tennessee: An Intimate Conversation
El guardián de la cueva
ゲバルトの杜 彼は早稲田で死んだ
Billy Joel: A Matter of Trust - The Bridge To Russia the Concert
The Cheviot, the Stag and the Black, Black Oil
Me To Play
Terwijl het liefde was
O Cinema é Minha Vida
Morso in Versi
Now You Are A Woman