Você Não é um Soldado

Você Não é um Soldado (2021-09-09)

  • 09/09/2021
  • Genre 1, Genre 2
  • Durée : 1H50


Note : 8/10

Les acteurs


Estado de silencio
Electronic Control System of the C-1 Auto Pilot Part 1: Basic Electricity as Applied to Electronic Control System
Point and Shoot
Enquête sur un double assassinat - Jan Kuciak
Irak, de la dictature au chaos
Outfoxed : la guerre de Rupert Murdoch contre le journalisme
When the Mountains Tremble
Gaza Fights for Freedom
Control Room
Standard Operating Procedure
Valse avec Bachir
C'est dur d'être aimé par des cons
Soldiers of Song
War Photographer
Patrick Dewaere, mon héros
Fahrenheit 9/11