Sweedie and the Hypnotist

Sweedie and the Hypnotist (1914-12-07)

  • 07/12/1914
  • Genre 1, Genre 2
  • Durée : 0H10


Note : 0/10

Les acteurs


The Yankee Spirit
Sweedie's Skate
Sweedie Collects for Charity
Sweedie's Hero
The Fickleness of Sweedie
Sweedie at the Fair
Sweedie the Trouble Maker
She Landed a Big One
A Maid of War
Sweedie's Finish
Sweedie the Swatter
Sweedie and the Sultan's Present
Sweedie's Suicide
Sweedie and Her Dog
The New Teacher
Countess Sweedie
Get Rich Quick Edgar
Sweedie's Clean-Up