Richard Meier in Rome Building a Church in the City of Churches

Richard Meier in Rome Building a Church in the City of Churches (2006-01-19)

  • 19/01/2006
  • Genre 1, Genre 2
  • Durée : 0H58


Note : 0/10

Les acteurs


La face cachées de l'Hôtel Dieu de Lyon
Reimagining A Buffalo Landmark
Making Dust
이타미 준의 바다
Brasília, Contradições de uma Cidade Nova
Bird's Nest - Herzog & de Meuron in China
Alvar Aalto: tekniikka ja luonto
De Gaulle bâtisseur
Berlin Babylon
Petra: Secrets of the Ancient Builders
Arata Isozaki II: International Projects
Derrière les murs de la Cité interdite
Tadao Ando: Samurai Architect
Jesus Camp
Neutra: Survival Through Design
Así Nació el Obelisco
Arquitetura, A Transformação do Espaço
Memories of Origin: Hiroshi Sugimoto (はじまりの記憶 杉本博司)